Saturday, May 10, 2008

Harry Potter Mania!

Hello all! This past semester I had to read book 5 in the Harry Potter series for my coming of age in fiction class. So I decided that when the semester was over I would re-read the last two books again as well. This is one series I am sad came to an end. So on to my discussion…

Book # 4: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince By: J.K. Rowling

So, the fifth Harry Potter book left us with the wizarding world finally realizing that Voldemort had in fact come back to power. It also had Harry dealing with a lot of loss. In the end Harry loses his godfather Sirius and learns the prophecy about himself and Voldemort.

(Harry Potter Book 5, p. 841)

The shocking realization that Harry has to be the one to kill Voldemort or be killed by him deeply affects Harry. It is something that he has always suspected, but now he knows it is true. The sixth book opens with Dumbledore coming to fetch Harry from his aunt and uncle’s house. I like when Dumbledore tells off the Dursley’s with a simple statement.

You did not do as I asked. You have never treated Harry as a son. He has known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you.
(Chapter 3, P.55)

This is amusing because he is so calm about his blunt statement and of course the Dursley’s then turn and look around and get confused. They are confused because Dumbledore is of course talking about their son. Dudley is a fat and mean boy, who always picked on Harry and is very spoiled. After they leave, Dumbledore takes Harry with him to acquire a new teacher, and then on the way to the burrow tells Harry he wants Harry to take private lessons with him this year. These lessons end up being all about going into Dumbledore’s pensive and looking at past memories about Voldemort’s young life.

When Harry gets to school he finds out that Professor Snape will be teaching Defense against the dark arts and that Professor Slughorn will now be teaching potions. This is a shock to many students, including Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The only good thing is that now Harry can take Potions and continue with his hope of becoming an auror.

However, as Harry had not planned on taking potions he does not have the book or materials. So he has to borrow them from Slughorn. The copy of the potions book that Harry gets is covered with writing and at first Harry is annoyed, but then he looks at the directions in the book and realizes that all the little side notes help. Harry learns that the book is the property of someone who called himself the half-blood prince. The book has small spells and things that help Harry all year.

This year is an interesting one because romance finally blooms for the characters. It takes a long time, but it is interesting to watch. Ron and Hermione have always had some feelings toward each other, and now they are coming out. They get jealous and snippy at each other, and at first Ron starts dating another girl. Then Hermione dates someone she thinks will bother Ron. It’s amusing because that’s real. Boys can be stupid and not just come out with their feelings. Girls also can date other people just to make the boy they like jealous. It’s funny to read.

Getting back to Harry and Dumbledore’s exploration of Voldemort’s past indiscretions. They learn about Voldemort’ mother, a witch who was in love with a muggle. They also look at Riddle’s time in the orphanage. I love the idea of being able to pour your memories into a bowl and jump into them. It’s described in such a great way, and it makes you wish you could reach up to your temple and pull out your thoughts to relive them.

An amusing thing thrown into the story, from my point of view anyway, is the password for the Hogwarts common room. All the kids are falling in love, and dating, and “snogging” by this time. And the password to get into the common room is abstinence. I just found that funny when I came across that :)

When Harry and Dumbledore look at Professor Slughorn’s memory they discover something that Dumbledore had thought for awhile. They discover that Voldemort wanted to rip his soul into seven pieces, as seven is the most magical number. The have already destroyed two: the diary from the second book and the ring that destroyed Dumbledore’s hand in this book. They believe the other horcruxes are Hufflepuff’s cup, Slytheirn’s locket, the snake Nagini, the piece in Voldemort and something that might have been Ravenclaw’s or Gryffindor’s.

The next interesting thing to happen is when Harry and Ginny Weasley finally get together. It is interesting to read as Harry fights with himself about her being Ron’s sister and then finally when he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing and kisses her after the Gryffindor team wins a Quidditch match.

Another thing that Harry discovers in this novel is about Snape. When talking to Professor Trelawney he finds out that the one who told Voldemort the prophecy was none other then Snape. Harry is furious that it is Snape’s fault that his parents are dead, at least in Harry’s mind it is Snape’s fault.

The next thing that happens is that Harry and Dumbledore go to a cave by the sea that is where Voldemort hid one of the horcruxes. It’s dangerous and it takes awhile, and Dumbldore is weakened. They get back to the school and realize the Dark Mark is overhead. When they get up the top tower Dumbledore freezes Harry and throws the invisibility cloak over him. Malfoy is on top of the castle and we discover that it is indeed him who has been trying to kill Dumbledore all year. He was given the order by Voldemort of course. Malfoy cannot seem to get up the courage to kill and in the end Snape kills Dumbledore. At this point Harry is unfrozen and runs after Snape who is escaping with Malfoy and the other death eaters. Harry tries to throw spells at Snape, but then Snape gets angry and yells to Harry that he will not have his own spells thrown at him as he is the half-blood prince. This is a shock for Harry who had thought the prince great and helpful till this time.

In Madame Pomfey’s, which is like a nurse’s office, another interesting thing happens amongst the death and sadness. Bill, Ron’s older brother, has been mauled by a werewolf, but his fiancĂ© Fleur, the gorgeous siren, does not care and still wants to be with him. This is when we find out that Tonks is in love with Remus Lupin, the werewolf. She tells Lupin that Fleur doesn’t care and neither does she. J.K. Rowlings does a great job of showing the differences in species and races here. She shows bigotry and skepticism in a story without throwing it in your face. It’s great.

The final event is Dumbledore’s funeral. This is hypocritical to some extent to Harry because he sees many people that he knows don’t care. For example, the evil Umbridge from the ministry. At the funeral Harry decides that he will not be going back to school the next year. He will be finding the Horcruxes and destroying them so that he can eventually kill Voldemort. He breaks up with Ginny and tells Ron and Hermione. They tell Harry that they are coming with him, no arguments.

I love the final line in the book because it ends with a small sense of hope…

…in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione. ~Harry (P. 652).

Ah the power of friendship!

Book #5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows By: J.K. Rowlings

The final book in the Harry Potter series made me so sad when it first came out. It was like the end of an era L. It was an awesome book, but I didn’t want it to end and yet I wanted to know what happened. I’ve re-read it and it still is as great as before. I think it shows true quality when a book is something you want to read again.

This book begins with the Dursleys being spirited off into hiding for their safety. Harry finally comes to terms with his cousin and shakes hands with him. And then Harry himself is spirited to safety through the use of seven polyjuice potion Harry Potters.

As I went through this book I randomly marked places and quotes that I found interesting so hear we go. My first comment is on the wizarding world. Did you ever notice that there is no technology in it? Can you imagine living without a dishwasher, washer, dryer, cell phone, and car? No, it’s very hard, but then again I guess if I had magic then it might be cool. I love the character of Mr. Weasley who is so fascinated with “muggle” things. He is forever taking them apart. After the flight of the seven Potter’s Mr. Weasley tells Harry about having Sirius’s bike and wanting to take it apart to figure it out. Interesting stuff!

Hermione is such an interesting witch and I loved watching her evolve through the series. She is so smart and yet I think Harry and Ron make her more human and bring her down to earth. In this novel when she is telling Harry and Ron about her parents it is very sad. To keep them hidden and safe she has modified their memories, so they believe they are different people, who do not have a daughter. The way she says it matter-a-factly with tears in her eyes is heart wrenching.

“The Takes of Beedle and the Bard” appear to be the wizarding world’s Grimm’s brothers or Hans Christian Anderson.

Oh come on! All the kids’ stories are supposed to be Beedle’s, aren’t they? ‘The Fountain of Fair Fortune’… ‘The Wizard and the Hopping Pot’… ‘Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump’ ~Ron

Ron, you know full well Harry and I were brought up by Muggles! We didn’t hear stories like that when we were little, we heard ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ and ‘Cinderella’—” ~Hermione

What’s that an illness? ~Ron

The idea of the wizarding world being so separate that they have their own fairy tales and Ron, who has never been around muggles thinks the stories are an illness is hilarious.

In the fifth book Harry had to take Occlumency lessons because Dumbledore wanted Harry to block out Voldemort, but now in the seventh book they are so strongly connected. Harry gets flashes all throughout the book of what Voldemort is doing, who he is killing, and when Voldemort is overly emotional.

The Tale of the Three Brothers is an interesting tale that gives them the story of the Hallows. The three brothers who met death. The oldest brother asked for a wand more powerful then any other. The second brother asked for the power to recall others from death, with a stone. The third brother asked for a cloak of invisibility. These three items together make up the hallows. The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility make up the Deathly Hallows. I love how J.K. Rowlings makes stories within the whole.

Ron is always talking about things that are common knowledge in the wizarding world, common sayings, stories, superstitions. He always forgets that Harry and Hermione were raised by muggles and don’t know these things.

‘May-born witches will marry Muggles.’ ‘Jinx by twilight, undone by midnight.’ ‘Wand of elder, never prosper.’ ~Ron (Chapter 21, P. 414)

I absolutely love Luna Lovegood’s ceiling. “Loony Luna” is a slightly crazy character yet she has an uncanny ability to speak the hard truths. Her ceiling is a painting of her friends. I also find her name amusing love-good.

Luna had decorated her room ceiling with five beautifully painted faces: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville…what appeared to be golden chains wove around the pictures…the chains were actually one word, repeated a thousand times in golden ink: friends…friends…friends
(Chapter 21, P. 417)

Harry shows his appreciation and love for friends no matter who they are when he buries Dobby the house elf. He also rescued a goblin just because it was the right thing to do. These are things that many wizard would not have done. The goblin sees that Harry is different.

If there were a wizard of whom I would believe that they did not seek personal gain it would be you, Harry Potter. Goblins and house elves are not used to the protection or the respect that you have shown this night.
(Chapter 24, P. 488)

I like how things come full circle in a way for Harry when Lupin asks him to be godfather to baby Ted.

As I said before Rowlings shows Bigotry and horrors without yelling about them. You can see this in the sad story of Dumbledore’s little sister and the three muggle boys that tortured the poor girl at the age of six for being a “little freak.” This story was very sad and realistic because people are tortured just for being different.

When Harry and Luna need to get into Ravenclaw tower we learn that their password isn’t simply a password but a question that requires knowledge and reasoning. I like this. I also enjoyed the question.

Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?
(Chapter 29, P. 587)

This is also the book where Percy finally makes up with his family. At the very end when they are about to fight Voldemort he comes back to help and apologizes for being a git.
A sad note for the Weasley family is Fred’s death. It’s realistic that not everyone will survive, and Lupin and Tonks die to, but it’s still sad to read.

In the end we find out that Snape was good all along. I like that this is found out by the pensive of magical thoughts. Harry discovers that Snape had been in love with his mother forever. Losing Lily Potter killed all feelings Snape had towards Voldemort. This is why Dumbledore knew Snape was a good guy. It’s almost sad to find out at the end how much Snape cared for Lily, and yet he could never be anything but terrible to Harry because of the hate for Harry’s father. It is also through Snape that Harry realizes he must sacrifice himself to save the others.

As Harry is walking to his death he realizes:

Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldmeort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here…
(Chapter 34, P. 697).

As Harry goes to his death he gets the resurrection stone from the snitch and Lily, James, Sirius, and Lupin all walk with him. When Voldemort “kills” Harry and he ends up at a cross-roads, so to speak, he speaks with Dumbledore and realizes what he needs to do.

…perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those, who like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find their own surprise that they wear it well. ~Dumbledore
(Chapter 35, P. 718)

Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love. ~Dumbledore
(Chapter 35, P. 722)

During the final battle I love when Mrs. Weasley yells out “NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!” (P. 736) as she is about to fight off Bellatrix from Ginny. I just find it funny and I love the character of Mrs. Weasley so it needed a comment.

At the end when Harry calls Voldemort Riddle and is telling him what Harry knows better, it’s just great. You kind of have to cheer Harry on as you read it.

You won’t be able to kill them ever again. Don’t you get it? I was ready to die to stop you from hurting these people—I meant to and that’s what did it. I’ve done what my mother did…you can’t touch them. You don’t learn from your mistakes, Riddle, do you? ~Harry
(Chapter 36, P. 738)

Severus Snape wasn’t yours. Snape was Dumbledore’s, Dumbledore’s from the moment you started hunting down my mother…he loved her for nearly all of his life, from the time when they were children… ~Harry
(Chapter 36, P. 740)

Harry of course defeats Voldemort, but I like the ending and of course good has to triumph evil. I just enjoy the story behind the why and how it all ties together.

The Last thing Harry says is funny:

And quite honestly, I’ve ha enough trouble for a lifetime. ~Harry
(Chapter 36, P. 749)

Some people have said that the end bothers them because everyone ends up together and that’s just too happily ever after for them. However, I like the epilogue and that it happens. There is nothing wrong with wanting everything to turn out ok and love to triumph. The only thing that makes me sad is that the books are over. Also I will be SO SO angry if they ruin the story with the last movies. The movies progressively piss me off with all they leave out and if they ruin the end I will just take angry to a new level! I’m not going to go into that though so I will leave you with this: if you haven’t read the Harry Potter books and you’ve only watched the movies you are sorely missing out and you need to go READ NOW! :)

1 comment:

AJ Harbison said...

We read the first four or five books out loud as a family, which was fun. Someday, once I get to some more pressing books, I'll read the last few myself. And maybe reread the first ones. Someday....
